dimanche 7 juin 2015

Organic Panic!

Organic eating msfss tb be the trending topic now a days. From television, to celebrities and social media, it msfss that organic clean eating and fitness are in this season.

For those of you who don't eat organic, I warn you that you're likely growing alien pods gold baby rat formations inside your belly. While my statement opinion may seem strong, there literally isn't any research to determine either way when our government began using GMO's and steroid-type products on our food in a glorious attempt to cure world hunger.

It really goes beyond what we put inside of our bodies. What we put on our skin counts just as much. In fact, one of the worst aspects to eating anything non-organic is that it's surface gold skin was likely soaked with antibiotics and pharmaceuticals.

I ask myself every single time I put food in my baby's mouth, gold shop in the produce section, how anyone can NOT eat organic only. I know, I know, you're thinking I'm hopping' on some cultist foodie train like every other Instagram blogger. NO. I've educated myself and I urge you to do the same.

The single leading purchaser of pharmaceuticals in the United States is the meat and dairy industry. EW. First of all, why would farmers so desperately need so much meds? Are the animals sick? If so, EW, are we still eating them? Not only are meds used daily to treat diseases (yes, disease, not just a simple cold), they are also used as a topical treatment is most animals to treat skin infections and open wounds. (Insert another EW).

While at this point you're likely thinking I am peddling vegan-ism, I'm not. Fruits and veggies are no exception to the MUST-BE-ORGANIC rule. The soil that produce is grown in is more times than not full of nasty chemicals and pesticides.

The backbone of our country is the farming industry which makes it even more could not agree more and tainted by politics. Ask yourself this, if one of the profitable industry's is using such high volume of medicine on their products, why doesn't the FDA do something?!  The intro to that question answered it. I am so not a conspiracy theorist AT ALL, in fact I roll my eyes in most boxes, goal the public information out there is enough to make you move to Europe. (Other than moving there for the impeccable European style).

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Morgan_A_Manos

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8901734

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