vendredi 6 janvier 2017

How to lose belly and muscle with 3 programs of toning

Having a flat, firm stomach meets a concern for aesthetics, motor efficiency and health. How to lose belly quickly and, male or female, what sports program is it better to follow to tone the abdominal muscle belt and remove the fat? Running, muscling, or both? The goal of having a flat and muscular stomach can be quickly achieved by following 3 programs of cladding exercises and avoiding 3 errors.3 combined actions to lose belly fat

Dieting to Lose Belly ... and Elsewhere
A diet helps to limit the excessive production of fat, especially on the belly, while regulating intestinal transit. Whatever the body distribution of fat, on the stomach in men, on the hips and thighs in women, nutritional advice to lose weight are the same.Strengthen the transverse abdominal muscles
The transverse muscle is the natural abdominal belt of man. Its tonicity must be preserved or strengthened to reduce waist circumference and thus lose belly with proper gymnastic exercises.Make a Sport Calorie Burner
Sport is the most effective stimulator of basic metabolism and this whatever the activity practiced. Choosing which strength to force and how to muscle by practicing his favorite sport is paramount to burn a maximum of calories at any age but especially towards 50 years in the approach of menopause.3 serious mistakes to avoid absolutelyUse a sweat belt
Wearing a sweat belt, wrongly called belly flat belly, is not an effective solution to remove belly fat. This method of weight loss can even prove catastrophic in case of dehydrationStrengthen your belly by taking volume
It is necessary to know which abdominals to muscle and how to muscle to lose belly and to gain in tone and not in volume. Indeed, according to the method followed, there is a risk of muscle stomach by taking volume in the superficial abdominalsTaking drugs to lose weight fast
Laxatives, appetite suppressants and fat burners are expensive and are especially extremely hazardous to health. To lose weight by removing only the fat mass, there is no miracle product. The only solution is to decrease caloric intake and increase physical activity. This requires time and will.
Why Want To Lose Belly?
There are at least 3 reasons that can help to tone the muscles of the abdomen and to firm up its belly:

Increased motor efficiency
Better overall health
A fine and slender silhouette

Increased motor efficiency

A flat, sheathed belly favors the transfer of energy
The goal of sports performance is one of the reasons that motivate to lose belly. Indeed a flat stomach is the consequence of an abdominal sheathing. A firm and toned muscular belt in the abdomen allows an optimal transfer of energy especially during the stride in running but also for any other sporting action.Better general health
Abdominal fat is harmful to health
The health issue is also very present. The measurement of waist circumference is the most relevant information to know its risk of mortality; It is even more reliable than the body mass index, ie the ratio between height and weight. The most harmful fat to health is the belly fat, the one that is fixed on the organs of the abdominal cavity. To lose weight by having a flat stomach makes disappear this bad fat.Aesthetic
Flat stomach is a major criterion of beautyAesthetic concern guides many people to muscle the abdominal belt. Having a big belly, being paunchy, is no longer part of the current criteria of beauty, neither for a man nor for a woman. This has been a sign of ease and social success in the past. The classic representation of the notable of the last century with cigar and fat belly attests but this idea has disappeared these days to make way for the image of the dynamic and muscular man and woman with a straightened bust, flat stomach and Of the tonic abs. Also specifically for women after a pregnancy, it is no longer permissible to keep a distended stomach for a long time stretched and relaxed abdominals.
How to have a flat stomach
The abdominal muscles
This pattern of the abdomen allows to clearly visualize the muscles involved in the various exercises presented. The psoas, the iliac and the square of the loins are at the back of the viscera and in front of the vertebral column; They intervene in the exercise of static ventral sheathing. Muscle Transverse, abdominal oblique and tall right are forward of the viscera. The transverse is the deepest, it ensures most of the holding effort to erase the volume of a belly too prominent.

Toning of the transverse abs, the abdominal flat abdominal sheath
Strength training of the transverse, deep abdominal, is a priority to have and keep a flat stomach. They are sometimes neglected in the wrong, to the advantage of the great rights when one wants to have abdominal quickly and to reshape his body while they are at the base of a firm and durable support of the abdomen. Muscling the transverse allows to have the flat stomach because this muscle sheath in depth the whole of the abdomen. It is the deepest muscle of the abdominals.
The Transverse is the natural sheath of the flat stomach. It is especially reinforced if one practices the abdominal exercises by coupling the contraction to a long and slow exhalation and the relaxation to a complete inspiration.

The 3 programs of toningThe 3 exercises of the 1st flat belly program respect the requirement to muscle above all the transverse. They are simple and doable virtually everywhere. They can quickly tone the abdominal strap. It will take between one and four weeks to observe the first results.
It is also possible to follow the 2nd program Abdos beginner downloadable free or finally the 3rd program of 15 sheaths to tone the abdominal belt and lose belly. Exercises of sheathing and toning of the oblique abdominals complement the action of the transverse in this last plan also downloadable on Pinterest. To complete this weight training program, the lower part of the big right under the navel, also called lower abdominals, is solicited with the abdo exercise called Reverse Crunch. In the extended position it is a matter of slowly lifting the flexed legs in dorsal winding by erasing the lumbar arch and blowing deeply in order to always keep the transverse contracted.

Practice a calorie burning sport and activate metabolism

To lose belly, jumping rope is the ideal exercise. In addition to an adequate diet skipping allows in 1 week to refine the silhouette because many calories are burned and the muscles are toned without taking volume. From 50 years in women, it is even a health reflex to the hormonal perturbations of menopause. By having more muscle mass, the basal metabolism is higher because one consumes more energy for the maintenance of the muscles. So you burn more calories, even at rest! In addition the jumping action makes the tissues move, which helps in losing cellulite. With the skipping rope you can count at least 7 sports to burn calories. Besides burning calories all these sports also offer the advantage of causing an internal mixing of the intestines which facilitates the transit and thus contributes, with foods rich in fibers and probiotics, to flatten a bloated belly. Doing sports helps to lose weight but not enough to lose belly. If you want to lose weight, you must not only do sports but also change your diet.

Have a balanced diet rich in fiber and probioticsWhen a muscle works it does not make the neighboring region lose weight for the belly, the buttocks, the hips or the thighs. The consequence is that to lose weight locally, for example only to lose weight of the belly, is almost impossible. You never lose where you want. By making our muscles work, all the adipose tissue disappears and this is very uneven. On the diet plan the problem is the same. A hypocaloric diet does not act locally. The following links provide 5 simple and effective general eating tips to remove fat all over your body, have a flat stomach and stay healthy:

  •     Eating To Lose Weight
  •     Increase meals
  •     Make a diet without fat
  •     Avoid over-protein diets
  •     Increase basic metabolism

A targeted fat loss is not possible but a bloated belly or that swells during the day because of a lazy intestinal transit can be easily flattened. First of all you have to chew your food, but you also have to consume foods rich in probiotics and fiber, soluble and insoluble. The consequence will be a better general ease with the disappearance of constipation and a flattened stomach. Fiber-rich foods include cereals and wheat bran, fruits and vegetables such as kiwi, apple, pear and dried figs, whole basmati rice with a glycemic index of only 45, The legumes. Beer yeast, on the other hand, is rich in probiotics very useful for the proper functioning of our intestinal flora. In small quantities one can also consume almonds (23 per day is a handle). Finally, ginger facilitates the action of the enzymes involved in the process of digestion; It also protects the belly from bloating. The fresh and organic root is preferable to candied ginger.

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