You have managed to lose a few pounds and achieve the silhouette that you so desired. How to avoid the classic yo-yo effect and not ruin your efforts? The advice of Nicolas Mbog, sports coach.
Dreaded by many, the yo-yo effect often occurs after a diet. This unwanted enemy of sustainable weight loss strikes you as a boomerang by making you take back lost or lost pounds. The feeling of failure and the disappointment that accompany it can push you to fall back into your old "through".
So, are you doomed to oscillate like a yo-yo? "If you follow a diet, you have to ask yourself the right questions: will I be able to follow these new eating habits all my life," suggests Nicolas Mbog, personal training and fitness and nutrition expert of the #VitalChallenge. If, on reflection, you realize that the adopted regime is not tenable in the long term, it is a safe bet that you risk being victim of the yo-yo effect.
First pitfall to dodge, the regime. Actually speaking of a balanced and varied diet is better than that of diet, which refers to the idea of a food restriction. To keep your weight and not fall into the rollercoaster of the lost weight-weight regained, it seems more viable to respect a balanced diet "which makes it possible to balance the calories consumed and the calories absorbed," pointed Nicolas Mbog.
In short, be sure to keep a balanced diet: eat everything (limit too fatty foods and too sweet) but in moderation. And in case of excess, regulate yourself by eating lighter the following days, as you tend to do after the holidays (the famous detox).
Analyze his inner voice and choose conscientiouslyTo this balance of food, one should add regular physical exercise and above all ... a little introspection. For the most difficult is the mind. This fight with yourself that you indulge yourself to not succumb to this or that sweet pleasure. Analyze your impulses as a new inner gymnastics is needed. It is to spot his thoughts, his small inner voice that can sprout you to crack on fat or sweet. People who have lost weight know it well ... A classic error leads them to think that the weight lost and the efforts provided until now offer a certain freedom to "let go." Some of my students tell me: I lost weight so I can get a little fun and return to normal, that is to say the way they were feeding before, "says Nicolas Mblog. Problem, this diet considered as normal often refers to all the bad dietary reflexes causing the past weight gain.
The solution to the yo-yo effect therefore also involves taking a step back with these thoughts and working on yourself to ask you if your dietary impulses are really reasonable. Then you will decide in conscience to let yourself be tempted or not by such food. These assumed food choices will allow you to listen to your body, your feelings of hunger and go towards what is right for you. This will help you to set up good eating habits that allow you to eat a little bit of everything but in moderation.
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