samedi 7 janvier 2017

Quick diet versus lend diet: which accelerates weight recovery?

If one believes an Australian study, the weight weight in a short time would not cause a resumption of his pounds faster than those to the loss slowly. The cause of weight gain is elsewhere ... 

The different schemes under consideration.

 We must believe ...Would the speed with which we are likely to resume our kilos after a diet be equivalent to the duration of the plan? And apparently not, according to a study published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.Australian researchers compared the effects of "shut-down", other long-term diets, and the two groups of obese patients, aged 18-70 years.The first group adopted for a balanced diet with a reduced calorie count (500 less compared to the usual diet) for 36 weeks.The other followed a 12-week diet low in carbohydrate and substitute drinks (between 500 and 800 calories absorbed per day).Each group underwent a program to stabilize weight loss over 3 years.As many kilos resumedResult? Regardless of the regimen followed, 70% of the lost pounds were recovered during these three years in each group.This would tend to prove, according to the findings of the study, that beliefs that faster regaining weight after a fast regime are unfounded. In the long term, plan effects are reasonable.Except that ...The scientists noted a difference in the number of people who followed the diet and reached their goal: 80% in the case of fast-track versus 50% in the longer program. The authors believe that rapid weight loss encourage those who follow this type of diet to go through.However, a diet ready for balanced diet, and at the other tend to learn to eat otherwise, rather than basically re express. 

Collateral damages
 Some patients have also developed diseases (inflammation of the gallbladder, cancer). Their drastic diet putting the body too much to the test and bringing out latent deficiencies. 

The solution: using a pro
 The study of the ultimate importance of follow-up after an exercise after the diet phase: "There are several ways to lose weight, but the most important in managing obesity is to retain its weight loss after "Explained Joseph Proietto, a professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Melbourne and lead author of the study.And this, learning to eat better, not starving, nuance!

A study to be taken with the tongs according to other experts who affirm that the fad diets that promise us to lose weight very quickly can be dangerous, leading in particular deficiencies. The World School Professor of Glasgow University, interviewed by the Daily Mail, also pointed out that the price of obese weight was over several years and that reversing the trend to be long. Indeed, it takes time for the body to regulate the appetite.Regardless of the method chosen, if you want to go into a diet, it is better to take advice from a professional before to avoid any health problem.

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