samedi 7 janvier 2017

Countdown: a month to really refine before the holidays

In vain do we condemn regimes, proclaim loud and clear that we must assume ourselves as we are, but we know you, and we know that you still want to display you proudly in jersey this summer . So ok, we give you a little boost with this program to slim down before the holidays. But promise us to stay wise so as not to regain the lost pounds afterwards!

1st effort, you must control your energy intakeYeah, slim down by continuing to eat too much, no matter how and anything, it does not exist!Then you will have to monitor your caloric intake: 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day, instead of the 1800 to 2000 usually recommended), and on the other hand really watch what you eat paying attention to the nature of Your dishes.On the menu, many proteins (35% of the total daily intake) to preserve muscles, low carbohydrates (35 to 40%, with foods with low glycemic index, very important GI), moderate lipids (25 to 30%), and fibers to regulate appetite and limit fat storage.

Food that you allow yourselfYour daily bolus must consist of 2 parts of each permitted category, with a fat measurement.> 2 parts protein (meat, fish, eggs, tofu) or equivalent (1 egg + 75 g of fish + 75 g of meat OR 100 g of organic tofu + 1 can of sardines ...) 1 part = 100 G> 2 parts of starchy foods with low glycemic index. 1 part = 1 slice of whole bread, 1/2 cup of chickpeas not too soft, 1 half cup of sweet patae, 1 half cup of pasta al dente> 2 parts of fruit low in sugar. 1 part = 1 medium size raw fruit, ½ grapefruit, 1 cup of red fruit, 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 fresh pear.> 2 to 3 parts of vegetables. 1 part = ½ cup cooked vegetables (green beans, courgettes, leeks), 1 cup raw vegetables (raw carrots, green salad, fresh spinach, cucumber, avocado), 1 glass of vegetable juice> 2 parts of dairy products or high in calcium. 1 part = 1 glass of skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, 1 natural yogurt 0%, 1 glass of calcium soya milk without added sugar, 1 glass of kefir.> 1 measure of fat. 1 measure = 1 tsp. Oil, 1 handful of oleaginous fruits, 1 tsp. Of clarified butter or coconut fat, 2 tsp. Light margarine.Foods to avoidIn order to eliminate excess fat at a steady rate (and relatively reasonable, which also guarantees the durability of your effort), you must absolutely avoid certain foods.And if you do not want to regain the lost weight, you are strongly advised to modify your basic diet and consider these foods as rarely allowed deviations.To slim down and stay slim, it is necessary not to do a drastic diet twice a year but rather to learn to eat better.

That said, by the summer, to speed up the metabolism, ignore the following foods:- sugar, including refined sugar and anything containing sugar, even very sweet fruit. It is for this reason that it is necessary to monitor the glycemic index of its food. If you really can not do without it in your coffee, take stevia, a natural sugar to the nice IG (which is not the case with the agave).- confectionery and desserts, so foods loaded with sugar.- pastries, cakes and biscuits (you do not make a drawing eh?).- ice cream and ice cream- beer, white wine and cocktails- charcuteries- potatoes in all their forms (the potato GI is a disaster)- chocolate spread, hazelnut if you know what I mean ...Overall, learn to choose between eating fat or eating sweet if you really need to make a gap.

No effective slimming program without sportTo avoid the yoyo effect and push your body to go to your reserves, you have to devote yourself to physical activity. And getting out the garbage or going down three floors each morning is not enough!To ensure in his jersey, a regime can not suffice. It is necessary to associate a physical training, which accelerates the weight loss and the melting of the fats, and tones the problem areas (buttocks, belly, thighs).

Your plan of attack: 

For 4 weeks, you will alternate every day of the week (except Sunday: rest or stroll) cardio effort and targeted gym exercises.> Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 30 to 45 minutes of cycling, brisk walking, jogging, swimming or indoor fitness to burn calories and mobilize adipose reserves.> Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 30 minutes of targeted bodybuilding exercises (abdominal + thighs + gluteus), to obtain a firmer and more toned body and more harmonious shapes.Let us help you with these super profitable activities from the point of view of effort provided / physical expenses.Otherwise you can also follow a fitness challenge to motivate you.

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