vendredi 6 janvier 2017

3 unfounded digestive myths

3 unfounded digestive myths

Myth no.1: gluten intolerance manifests itself in pain

The symptoms and their intensity vary greatly from one person to another. Diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating may indicate the presence of gluten intolerance, however, there are people who are not affected by these symptoms despite a positive diagnosis. So, pain is not an indispensable condition, or even other signals can alert us to these anomalies such as lack of menstruation, depressive state, weight loss. It may also happen that no symptoms are perceptible. This is called silent celiac disease. In case of doubt, it is advisable to do a medical analysis and do not forget to initiate a detoxification from time to time.

Myth # 2: Legumes are the worst food for bloating

Almost everyone knows that beans are associated with bloating and painful flatulence. It's wrong! Cabbage, cucumbers and onions have a privileged place among the foods causing bloating, but dairy products are not "white as snow" either to the subject. Over time it is becoming more and more difficult to digest lactose and can be one becomes more sensitive and one feels more swollen after regaling a cheese than a soup of beans.

Myth No.3: Poisonous foods cause ulcers

If you have an aching or stomach burn it should avoid spicy or spicy foods. It is the same in people with stomach ulcers. But in the development of the disease, pungent foods are not responsible, they are rather analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol, stress, and very often the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. If you are suffering from persistent diarrhea or chronic constipation, it is recommended - obviously after excluding a disease - to proceed with a regular detox program.

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