samedi 7 janvier 2017

In three days, lighten your body with the monodiete!

 Erwann Menthéour, a former professional sportsman and founder of the FitNext method, shares his knowledge of sports, nutrition and well-being with you. In his program he advocates starting with a monodiete. To cleanse the digestive system and purify its body.Danger for some, practicing ecological fundamentalists for others or even method hazardous slimming? It is not uncommon to hear anything and everything about the monodiete, which consists of consuming only one food for 3 days.Curing grapes, apples or rice, this unconventional practice of detox disturbs. Why ? Because it challenges the principles dictated by groups in the agri-food industry, the same groups that will tell us that milk or sweeteners have no impact on our health. These established truths must be swept away.

Let us stop thinking that the monodiete represents a danger to health!For the story, last week when I allowed myself a few days of rest in the region that saw me born, I was stopped by a young reader who was trying to understand the truth. The hic? She argued only with slogans returned to the collective unconscious. "Why the devil do a monodiete?" She said.Unfortunately I did not come across an original, I already knew the following verse! She naturally went on to say that eating apples for three days was dangerous for health, and that our body was not made for that, that it gave rise to deficiencies ... I could not of course let that say!

Why make a monodiete?

On a daily basis, our organism undergoes a certain number of attacks, which can be of environmental origin (pollution, food additives, etc.) or behavioral (tobacco, alcohol, food). Although it is capable of treating and evacuating a large part of it via our cleansing organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines or the skin, this may not be enough.The non-evacuated toxins then become a real danger for our homeostasis (internal biochemical balance), that is to say the good maintenance of the integrity of the organism. Indeed, they can be at the origin of multiple dysfunctions more or less violent. Unless we live as a hermit at the top of a mountain, we are all concerned!Our diet has changed more in the last 70 years than in the previous 5 million years. 80% of our diet is now of industrial origin, these are the figures, let's face it!Our exposure to preservatives, agents of textures, emulsifiers, dyes, sweeteners etc. Has unfortunately been partly the cause of the explosion of all inflammatory diseases since the post-war period.The solution, in order to limit the damage, therefore lies in the detoxification of his organism via a monodiete, to get rid of all these accumulated toxins. These toxins for which our DNA is not programmed.

How to make a monodiete?The principle of the monodiete is thus based on the consumption of a single food for 3 days.The apple monodieteI recommend using the apple because it has many virtues and is an excellent antibacterial and antiseptic intestinal.The cells of the intestinal mucosa take 3 to 5 days to completely renew themselves. By receiving only one food - which is more non-toxic - the intestine will be able to restore itself and eliminate the disruptive elements that weaken it.

Day 1: consume 2 to 3 apples per meal.
2nd day: in the morning, take a sachet of magnesium sulphate (or chloride); In order to completely empty your intestines and toxins. This day will be the most difficult. Indeed, recirculation of toxins can cause headaches and nausea. The body reacts positively and eliminates, courage!
3rd day: the easiest! The body is at last accustomed, hunger is much less present, and one feels already much better.

And after these 3 days?You will resume a normal diet progressively, so as not to overly upset the body.It will be to keep the positive effects of these 3 days: make the most of fruit and vegetables, and avoid the refined sugars of snacks and pastries.Wait 3 days after the monodiete before consuming animal proteins.

What should you watch out for?

  •     POINT TOO MUST: If the monodiete has certain sanitary virtues and is a perfect way to restore the body, I recommend not to make more than 3 to 4 per year maximum, with each change of season. Further, this could weaken the immune system and may leave the door wide open to pathogens.
  •     FOLLOW-UP: As part of a first monodiete, it is preferable to be supervised and to avoid any intense physical activity.
  •     DRINK: Pay special attention to your hydration during these 3 days. Drink water regularly (1.5 to 2 liters per day)
    PREVENT: In case of particular pathologies or medical treatments, the opinion of your doctor will be indispensable! 

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