vendredi 6 janvier 2017

Seasonal influenza: how to prevent it, how to treat it?

Speaking earlier than usual and with high virulence, the flu epidemic worries the authorities who have triggered a health alert. It should be remembered that seasonal influenza, which is all too often trivialized, is the main cause of infectious mortality in France. Who is at risk? How to prevent and treat this disease? All our tips to avoid the inconvenience of this winter virus.


  •     Flu, a disease not so trivial
  •     What are the symptoms of the flu?
  •     Avoiding contamination by the influenza virus
  •     How to treat a flu?
  •     What place for antivirals?

How to distinguish a "real flu" from a cold and quickly curb it? 

 To what extent to resort to self-medication? Discover the main answers to your questions.Flu, a disease not so trivialThe flu strikes every winter millions of people it exhausts from a few days to a few weeks. This is the leading cause of infectious disease mortality in France, especially among those over 75 years of age.It is indeed in the elderly and those suffering from a chronic disease or an immune deficiency that the infection can cause serious complications that can prove fatal. The latter thus benefit from the free vaccine. But be careful, it takes 2 to 3 weeks after the injection of the vaccine so that the body makes antibodies against the virus.Hence the advantage of being vaccinated before the end of October. If you are over the age of 65 or have a long-term illness, your Health Insurance Fund will send you a form to present to your doctor and then to your pharmacist to take care of your vaccine.
What are the symptoms of the flu?
Do not confuse flu and colds. Unlike a cold or other virus that causes a "squab", sneezes a few days and is accompanied by a moderate fever, influenza is characterized by a brutal attack of the respiratory tract (nose, throat and / or Bronches) with:

-Headaches ;
Body aches ;
Great fatigue;
Chills ;
An intense fever;
Sometimes a dry rebel cough and nasal congestion ...
If the flu does not get complicated, the symptoms subside in five to six days. But it can be followed by a period of great fatigue that can last several weeks. For more information, see our article on symptoms of influenza compared to simple influenza.Avoiding contamination by the influenza virus
The transmission always follows the same pattern. A sick person projects droplets of saliva into the air (speaking, coughing or sneezing), millions of viruses are found in the air and can be inhaled by others who will be contaminated in turn. . And so on. Contamination can also occur via hands or objects contaminated with droplets of saliva.
If vaccination remains the best protection, there are simple gestures that help limit the transmission of disease from person to person.

From the onset of flu-like symptoms, it is recommended to:

Limit contact with other people, especially at risk (people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, people with some chronic diseases, infants), or wear a surgical mask in their presence.
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or with a hydroalcoholic solution.
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a handkerchief in case of coughing and sneezing.
Use disposable paper handkerchiefs and discard.
For the entourage of people with flu, it is recommended:

Avoid close contact with the person with the flu, especially if you are at risk.
Wash your hands regularly, especially after contact with the patient.
Finally, the relatives of elderly people must be vigilant regarding their state of health. It is recommended to take news of the most vulnerable and isolated people in your surroundings.How to treat a flu?
According to the order of the pharmacists, the treatment of the flu is simple: you can use paracetamol to reduce the fever and calm aches and pains, make sure you hydrate well and take vitamin C to combat fatigue. Your pharmacist will advise you to take this treatment at the onset of symptoms and, depending on your needs, suggest a nasal decongestant and / or an antitussive for rebel dry cough. He will recommend you go see your doctor but also drink plenty and re-po-ser! Do not force yourself to go about your usual occupations, you risk to tire yourself more and especially to facilitate the spread of the virus around you.
Elderly or chronically ill people who have not been vaccinated against influenza should consult their physician promptly after the onset of the first flu symptoms to prevent any complications.
On the other hand, more and more people have understood that the antibiotics have no effect against the flu, except in case of bacterial superinfection. In this case, only the doctor can decide their prescription.

What place for antivirals?
When an epidemic of influenza rages, some people panic over seeing the cases multiply around them: they have not been vaccinated and for them, there is no question of stopping working. In specific cases and within a short period of time, specific anti-influenza treatments can be used preventively or curatively. Some specific antivirals have been available since 1998. They are issued only on prescription and in specific cases. They should be used:

As a preventive measure within 48 hours after contact with a person with influenza;
As a cure, within 48 hours of the first symptoms;
To avoid complications of influenza in a frail person who received an influenza vaccine but still developed the disease.
In any case, this treatment must be followed for five to seven days to be effective. But their effectiveness is the subject of serious doubts and today they are only very rarely used.

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