samedi 7 janvier 2017

Why Do Women Need 7-8 Hours Sleep?

Why is sleep important to Women and what has it got to do with Fashion?

Sleep is considered to be one of the most important practices in a human beings lifetime - Without the correct amount of sleep, we feel tired, irritable and unable to concentrate. Does this sound like you right now?
Why Do Women Need 7-8 Hours Sleep?

I've made a note of every Fashion icon's daily amount of sleep and wanted to see if this is the amount that your getting every night?
Here's a list of some well Fashion icon in the world who make in their duty to get enough sleep:
  • Jennifer Lopez - 8 Hours
  • Lauren Conrad - 9 Hours
  • Gwyneth Paltrow - 7 Hours
So here we can see that some of the most successful Women are taking full ADVANTAGE of their time to sleep. So why aren't you? What is stopping you from getting 7 - 9 Hours of rest each night?
A snippet of information from the says the following about benefits of a good night's sleep, "You need sleep because it's when your brain and complex nervous systems perform much-needed daily maintenance on themselves. Sleep helps build memories, makes you feel better emotionally and stabilizes your blood sugar". Feeling great in the morning can only serve to having a fantastic day!
So what has this got to do with Fashion? Well apart from feeling better and banishing those under eye circles, it can actually influence what you wear in the morning. If you feel tired and irritable in the morning (due to a lack of sleep) it's more likely that you will wear darker colours as it reflects your mood.
It can also reduce stress levels, ( released a snippet of information from Dr. Jean who advises that it can reduce stress levels and significantly decrease the chances of heart disease, "Sleep can definitely reduce levels of stress, and with that people can have better control of their blood pressure," Dr. Jean says. "It's also believed that sleep effects cholesterol levels, which plays a significant role in heart disease."
So what can you do about it?
There is no simple 24 Hour fix, but if you implement and repeat the below three points religiously, it will dramatically increase your sleep effectiveness by 69% according to sleep studies in 2 weeks time:
Have some wind down time. An hour before bed, turn off the iPhone and TV. Then read a book or do something that doesn't involve an LED screen before bed. This will dramatically help your mind ease off and prepare for rest.
Get some pyjamas. Believe it or not, pyjamas can play a massive psychological part in the effectiveness of your sleep. It's just like going to work or going out for the night, don't you feel more comfortable when your dressed for the occasion?
Cold is better. A cold room is much better than a warm room, so before you go to bed make sure the heating if OFF so your mind and body can completely relax.

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