vendredi 5 juin 2015

8 Facts You Need To Know About The Top Vegetarian Diet Myths

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Probably the most healthy food habits you can follow is that of a Vegetarian or Vegan. However, the persons (in particular, the consumer of meat) or the people who tend to love the fast food classify often vegetarians, or those who practice life, as fragile in the chassis or anaemic.
However, these are only two of the "myth" which are-designs perceived by the people who are not accustomed to eating Vegetarian or Vegan cuisine. In fact, a lot of vegetables and fruit, which are presented in a vegetarian menu plans are rich in nutrition and low in calories.
Factory power supply offers elite nutrition and a huge blessing in the effects on health, such as lower risk for heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. The Adventist Health Study 2 has shown that the vegans weigh on average 30 pounds less than the people who eat meat do. Eat of the earth has great benefits, and it is important to know the facts and ignore the rumours.
The myths and facts should help you to demystify some of the "myth-conceptions" associated with a diet Vegetarian or Vegan.
Myth 1: vegetarian diets lack of iron, so vegetarians and vegans are often, anaemic
fact: the vegan diet or vegetarian features such rich in iron, anemic hostile to foods such as mushrooms, dried apricots, dark green leafy, beans and peas.
Myth 2: Vegetarians do not get enough protein
fact: many foods vegans, such as beans and whole grains provide a lot of protein.
Myth 3: You can not follow a vegetarian diet when you are pregnant
fact: pregnant women find a vegetarian diet the best way to feed their baby and lose any additional pounds after childbirth. Not only fruits, legumes, grains and vegetables provide much in the way of iron and calcium, they also provide fiber, which reduces the digestive discomfort associated with pregnancy.
Myth 4: You can not follow a vegetarian diet if you are involved in sport
fact: many athletes are following with success a vegetarian diet and obtain quality protein for the muscles from foods such as beans, grains, tempeh and soya products, which offer as much protein as the products of animal origin.
Other foods which increase the endurance and keep the athletes regime minceur are peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, raisins, cheese, eggs, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, black beans, lentils and chick peas. Quinoa is an excellent source of food and protein.
Myth 5: it is difficult to get children to follow a diet Vegetarian or Vegan
fact: Some of the foods that are featured in Vegetarian or Vegan fare includes peanut butter, popcorn, and a variety of delicious fruits, such as strawberries, blackberries, kiwi, grapes, apples, oranges and pears. Tacos, wraps and smoothies are vegan and vegetarian foods that are tasty and nutritious. Most of the children do not go down these delicious and healthy food.
Myth 6: the transition to a vegetarian diet or vegan is difficult
fact: you do not need to make a significant abandonment to a style of life Vegetarian or Vegan adapting to one can, in time, become fairly easy. Make a few changes to begin, and then keep adding until the animal products are completely eliminated.
For example, you could try to make the tacos with black beans instead of meat. You can eliminate meat or chicken jumps. Incremental changes will help you to make a switch which is as successful as it is healthy. The mushrooms are plentiful and make a great main dish. The veggie burgers, tofu, tempeh Sausage Pork are all delicious vegetarian foods.
Myth 7: Vegetarians don't like using any of the products of animal origin
fact: The vegetari
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