vendredi 5 juin 2015

How to lose weight with a vegan diet or vegetarian

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Many people embark on vegetarians and vegans schemes motivated by a feeling that it will help them to control their weight. It is true that a recent study has revealed that the vegans weigh on average 30 pounds less than the people who eat meat do.
Although technically, a diet of plants should be more low in calories since the fruits and vegetables are of course less of calories as meat and dairy products, it is important to realize that it can quickly turn unhealthy and very unfavourable to the weight loss. For example, vegans who eat junk food, such as potato chips, cakes, and cookies all day, all are vegan, but little conducive to the management of the healthy weight or loss of weight.
Sometimes, those who are trying to lose weight by going vegetarian can continue to ignore the principal directors of a weight loss successful and continue to struggle with their weight, regardless of their major diet changes. Today, we are going to discuss scientifically proven as follows to weight loss which are without danger for meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans.
The realization of a calorie deficit is crucial to lose weight
that it has been scientifically proven that to lose weight, you must spend more calories than you consume for a prolonged period. Your calorie needs daily newspapers are a combination of your rate of metabolism basal no more physical activity you engage. Your rate of basic metabolism is largely determined by the amount of muscle mass, your body has, with those who have more muscle with a metabolic rate higher.
For many people who want to lose weight is can be helpful to understand how many calories their body requires that each day, fortunately, there are many calculators reasonably accurate available online that can do this for you.
Once you know how many calories, your body needs each day, aim to create a daily deficit of 500 calories from a combination of a reduction in food intake and physical activity increased.
Simple Strategies to reduce your calorie intake include reduction of meals and snacks to the size of the portions, healthier choices less dense foods in calories such as fruit and vegetables and to limit the consumption of sugary drinks, such as fruit juice and soft drinks.
Now, here is where after a vegetarian diet can play a special role, because the food of plant origin are more low in calories, and very low in fat (which increases the number of calories in the diet) you can eat more while tights with the deficit discussed above.
Let us compare two meals, one, and the other non-vegan-vegan:
vegan meal:
a salad with ...
2 Cups of lettuce (16 calories)
1 tomato (16 calories)
½ cup of cucumber (8 calories)
1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of vinegar (41 calories)
1 cup of black beans (227 calories)
total number of calories: 308
the same salad but with ...
1 Chicken Breasts and without skin (boneless) - (284 calories)
total number of calories: 365
A difference of 57 calories!
The black beans also give you 15 grams of fiber that keep you full longer, a key element of a quality food in the weight loss.
In addition, the bold is lowest in the vegan meal as well, with the breast of chicken by adding a 5 grams of fat over the black beans which has only 1 gram of fat per cup.
As you can see the 57 calories per meal is a big difference, and it is just a meal. There are many other examples that can save tons of calories, so that you can choose to record the number of calories, but you can also eat more plant food and that fact lose weight easier.
The increase in physical activity will increase your energy expenditure
to make the exercise is a good way to increase the amount of calories you burn each day and will help with weight loss when combined with a food regime
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