healthy diet

A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, adequate essential amino acids from protein,[1] essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and adequate calories. The requirements for a healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods.

American Heart Association / World Cancer Research Fund / American Institute for Cancer Research

The American Heart Association, World Cancer Research Fund, and American Institute for Cancer Research recommends a diet that consists mostly of unprocessed plant foods, with emphasis a wide range of whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables and fruits.


A low sodium diet is beneficial for people with high blood pressure. A Cochrane review published in 2008 concluded that a long term (more than 4 weeks) low sodium diet in Caucasians has a useful effect to reduce blood pressure, both in people with hypertension and in people with normal blood pressure.


Weight control diets aim to maintain a controlled weight. In most cases dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight in those who are overweight or obese.

Reduced disease risk

There may be a relationship between lifestyle including food consumption and potentially lowering the risk of cancer or other chronic diseases. A diet high in fruits and vegetables appears to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and death but not cancer

lundi 16 janvier 2017

Tell me coach: after weight loss, how to avoid the yo-yo effect?

You have managed to lose a few pounds and achieve the silhouette that you so desired. How to avoid the classic yo-yo effect and not ruin your efforts? The advice of Nicolas Mbog, sports coach.
Dreaded by many, the yo-yo effect often occurs after a diet. This unwanted enemy of sustainable weight loss strikes you as a boomerang by making you take back lost or lost pounds. The feeling of failure and the disappointment that accompany it can push you to fall back into your old "through".
So, are you doomed to oscillate like a yo-yo? "If you follow a diet, you have to ask yourself the right questions: will I be able to follow these new eating habits all my life," suggests Nicolas Mbog, personal training and fitness and nutrition expert of the #VitalChallenge. If, on reflection, you realize that the adopted regime is not tenable in the long term, it is a safe bet that you risk being victim of the yo-yo effect.
First pitfall to dodge, the regime. Actually speaking of a balanced and varied diet is better than that of diet, which refers to the idea of ​​a food restriction. To keep your weight and not fall into the rollercoaster of the lost weight-weight regained, it seems more viable to respect a balanced diet "which makes it possible to balance the calories consumed and the calories absorbed," pointed Nicolas Mbog.
In short, be sure to keep a balanced diet: eat everything (limit too fatty foods and too sweet) but in moderation. And in case of excess, regulate yourself by eating lighter the following days, as you tend to do after the holidays (the famous detox).

Analyze his inner voice and choose conscientiouslyTo this balance of food, one should add regular physical exercise and above all ... a little introspection. For the most difficult is the mind. This fight with yourself that you indulge yourself to not succumb to this or that sweet pleasure. Analyze your impulses as a new inner gymnastics is needed. It is to spot his thoughts, his small inner voice that can sprout you to crack on fat or sweet. People who have lost weight know it well ... A classic error leads them to think that the weight lost and the efforts provided until now offer a certain freedom to "let go." Some of my students tell me: I lost weight so I can get a little fun and return to normal, that is to say the way they were feeding before, "says Nicolas Mblog. Problem, this diet considered as normal often refers to all the bad dietary reflexes causing the past weight gain.
The solution to the yo-yo effect therefore also involves taking a step back with these thoughts and working on yourself to ask you if your dietary impulses are really reasonable. Then you will decide in conscience to let yourself be tempted or not by such food. These assumed food choices will allow you to listen to your body, your feelings of hunger and go towards what is right for you. This will help you to set up good eating habits that allow you to eat a little bit of everything but in moderation.

At 89 years old, she goes around the world with her backpack

There is no age for barouder. Baba Lena, a Russian grandmother at the dawn of her ninth decade, shows it, photos in support.
Travel is not a luxury reserved for youth. Baba Lena, 89, is well placed to know. In recent days she travels through Thailand, discovers her gastronomy like tom kha soup, its splendid beaches and leaves to meet its inhabitants, astonished and delighted to exchange with this seasoned tourist. Because at the dawn of its ninth decade, this extroverted globe-trotting confirms to those she meets that the advance in age has not departed from her passion for the journey. On the contrary. If her nomadism started in the 1970s with travel to Poland, Prague and East Germany, this Russian from Krasnoyarsk, a city of Siberia on the Transsiberian route (which she did), had to slow down Its impetus for lack of financial resources.
But six years earlier, at the age of 83, the one nicknamed Baba Lena decided that she did not want to die without seeing the rest of the world. This is how she resumed her journeys backpacking the world.

"It's easy to make friends when I'm away"
As in a travel diary, she immortalizes her travels on social networks under the name of @ Babushka_1927. His wanderings are followed by more than 10,000 subscribers, seduced by this solitary adventurer. "It's easy to make friends when I'm away, because people are wondering if at my age I am able to travel and want to help me .. They make me visit, take me to see the sea or to the restaurant "Says Baba Lena at The Independent. When asked if she was ever afraid during her travels to make a bad encounter, this end of gray-haired woman wearing a bonnet answers philosopher: "There is no reason to have Fear, for one dies only once, and everybody dies one day. " To finance her travels, she uses her retirement pension, grows and sells flowers. Her next trip planned: the Dominican Republic that she promised to do to celebrate her 90th birthday.

Musician's brain reacts faster than average

Musicians would respond faster than non-musicians to tactile or auditory stimuli, according to a Canadian study.

Music softens morals, but it does not only calm, it would also make it more reactive. This is the conclusion of a study in Brain and Cognition that compared the response time needed to respond to a stimulus in 16 musicians and 19 non-musicians. The first began music when they were aged 3 to 10 years and had a minimum experience of 7 years of practice. The latter never learned to play a musical instrument.
The researchers at the University of Montreal in Canada installed the participants in a quiet, well-lit room. Participants put one hand on a computer mouse, while the other hand was connected to a vibratory device that vibrated intermittently. Their task was to click on the mouse when they heard a noise from a speaker placed in front of them, when the touch box vibrated, or when these two stimuli occurred at the same time. Each of the three stimulations was repeated 180 times in order to study the reaction time.Using music in slow or elderly people
Scientists found that musicians' brain reacted more quickly than non-musicians, regardless of the type of stimulus. "The more we know about the impact of music on sensory processes, the more we can use musical training to restore reaction times in slower subjects," he said. Simon Landry, the lead author of the study. It could also be useful in combating cerebral aging by offering music workshops to seniors.

samedi 7 janvier 2017

Choosing An Exercise To Sustain Body Fitness

It is not that easy to look for the perfect exercise that suits your needs. Each one of us has unique, specific goals and requirements that we are looking for. Some people are looking for exercises to lose weight while some do exercises to lose belly fat. Some people look at exercises to tone their muscles and gain six packs while others use exercise to shape their body parts like triceps, abs, thighs, hips, chest etc.
Choosing An Exercise To Sustain Body Fitness

Provided the fact that most people in modern times are busy with their schedule, finding the exercise that is best for them may take a very long time. They might even end up choosing nothing. How can we determine if an exercise is suitable for us?
There are different common and universal ideas that will help sustain the fitness of the body without consuming too much of your time and patience.
Tips From The Experts
When you do exercise, try to focus more on balancing your body. If you are not very confident with how you appear to other people, then you really need to repeat a number of aerobic activities to develop a flat abdomen, and to build strong muscles and bones. With repetitive exercises, you will notice a change in your body shape - a change for the better.
If you can come up with a good system of exercise, your resting and training time will definitely be balanced. Your body knows when it is burning calories and exercising regularly helps you build up muscles even when you are at rest. It is not good for the body to be over-exercised. It does not allow your muscles to recover and rebuild.
Exercising with weights
Another recommendation by experts is to engage your body in an exercise that involves weights. The proper means of getting your potential to its maximum level is by lifting heavy weights in a given period. There should also be proper guidance during the activity in order to have less risk and to avoid failure and accidents.
You should adapt to changes. We call it variety. The technical term for that is "periodization." In other words, do not stick to the same activity repeatedly. It is nice to make some changes to the physical and mental activities that you indulge in.

Why Do Women Need 7-8 Hours Sleep?

Why is sleep important to Women and what has it got to do with Fashion?

Sleep is considered to be one of the most important practices in a human beings lifetime - Without the correct amount of sleep, we feel tired, irritable and unable to concentrate. Does this sound like you right now?
Why Do Women Need 7-8 Hours Sleep?

I've made a note of every Fashion icon's daily amount of sleep and wanted to see if this is the amount that your getting every night?
Here's a list of some well Fashion icon in the world who make in their duty to get enough sleep:
  • Jennifer Lopez - 8 Hours
  • Lauren Conrad - 9 Hours
  • Gwyneth Paltrow - 7 Hours
So here we can see that some of the most successful Women are taking full ADVANTAGE of their time to sleep. So why aren't you? What is stopping you from getting 7 - 9 Hours of rest each night?
A snippet of information from the says the following about benefits of a good night's sleep, "You need sleep because it's when your brain and complex nervous systems perform much-needed daily maintenance on themselves. Sleep helps build memories, makes you feel better emotionally and stabilizes your blood sugar". Feeling great in the morning can only serve to having a fantastic day!
So what has this got to do with Fashion? Well apart from feeling better and banishing those under eye circles, it can actually influence what you wear in the morning. If you feel tired and irritable in the morning (due to a lack of sleep) it's more likely that you will wear darker colours as it reflects your mood.
It can also reduce stress levels, ( released a snippet of information from Dr. Jean who advises that it can reduce stress levels and significantly decrease the chances of heart disease, "Sleep can definitely reduce levels of stress, and with that people can have better control of their blood pressure," Dr. Jean says. "It's also believed that sleep effects cholesterol levels, which plays a significant role in heart disease."
So what can you do about it?
There is no simple 24 Hour fix, but if you implement and repeat the below three points religiously, it will dramatically increase your sleep effectiveness by 69% according to sleep studies in 2 weeks time:
Have some wind down time. An hour before bed, turn off the iPhone and TV. Then read a book or do something that doesn't involve an LED screen before bed. This will dramatically help your mind ease off and prepare for rest.
Get some pyjamas. Believe it or not, pyjamas can play a massive psychological part in the effectiveness of your sleep. It's just like going to work or going out for the night, don't you feel more comfortable when your dressed for the occasion?
Cold is better. A cold room is much better than a warm room, so before you go to bed make sure the heating if OFF so your mind and body can completely relax.

10 detox foods that you will tame to feel at the top!

If you too, you feel a bit heavy (just a little bit!), A bit like spending your time swallowing crap, enjoying festive meals, and glanding so-called to digest, so take a real Turning! Zoom on 10 detoxifying foods that you will enroll in your menu to make you forgive by your digestive system.


From the day after a busy meal (not very rare in this period!), A generously watered evening, you can launch an Orsec plan for your liver, your intestines and your stomach! Begins here, invites fruits and vegetables to bring you vitamins. Warning ! After one (or even a season of) excess, do not throw yourself out of a diet. Otherwise, you would risk the yoyo-excess / deprivation effect that the body hates.First, restore your body to a healthy diet, then once a certain balance, you can start a detoxifying cure (see below).
The water
Certainly, we open doors open here, but it is never useless to recall some fundamentals. You need freshness and hydration? Nothing beats the water. In all its forms: fresh (not too cold, as it interferes with digestion) or in the form of tea or herbal tea, broth (the top for mineral salts).The best is to consume a water supplemented with bicarbonate of soda. Hyper effective to help digestion. 

Natural yogurt
No, not a fruit yoghurt or a light yoghurt, a real natural yoghurt, truffled with probiotics. Probiotics are living micro-organisms (eh yes, it stops you a corner eh?) That contribute to the balance of the intestinal flora. And considering what you have endured to your digestive system lately, it would be a good matter to treat it now. So from breakfast, you take a plain yoghurt.
White rice
In order not to starve you right away, you have to eat to calm yourself without burdening the machine. Rice is an excellent solution.You choose it fragrant (Basmati type or Thai rice) and you cook it with water or rice-cooker. And you do not forget to associate it with a vegetable easy to digest like fennel, and fish cooked in the oven or steam, without sauce please! Okay, you can put some olive oil.


Once you feel ready, before attacking any diet or getting back into the sport, we recommend that you do a detox cure. Not a privation session, but a little month to put your body green! Among the top foods that will become your best allies are:

The cabbage
Far from us the idea of ​​following a cabbage soup diet, totally unbalanced, but the cabbage - and all his brothers and sisters of the cruciferous family - are excellent for health. Rich in fiber and low in calories, whether raw or cooked.If you throw yourself in a detox cure then, let slip a few days after the excesses, otherwise you would accustom your body to the yoyo, and know that the bumps do not like it!For a good detox cure, and even a post-winter diet at the top, go on the cabbage in all its forms - even the cabbage of sauerkraut (but forget the cold meats!). It will steam and not too much, not to favor unlucky gas exhaust ...

In general, you will have to abuse the fibers. Here are other high-fiber foods:
Birch juice
Have fun: you serve that to your buddies and you let them guess what it is. Guaranteed success!The juice of birch, obtained from the sap, is a super anti-toxins and could well also integrate in a program after the party (but we did not want to scare you from the outset). This amazing natural product has incredible purifying, diuretic and detoxifying properties.The top: to dilute in a glass every morning for 3 weeks - or 3 tablespoons in your bottle of water of 1.5 l daily (goes to that of Weleda, organic and can be found in organic store, pharmacy and parapharma). Go hop!

Black radish
Oh but stop grimacing at last! You peel your black radish, cut it into thin slices lightly sprinkled with salt, and here is a super healthy idea for a perfect scrunch of aperitif (but soft on alcohol of course!). Otherwise, you grind it like carrots, and serve it in vinaigrette with pieces of Grany apple and seeds. It's very good, it passes by itself.Why black radish? As a number of root vegetables, it has sympathetic liver properties. The best friend of your liver and of your vesicle in short.
Red Beet
The more adventurous will consume it in juice, the others will prefer it in salad. I advise you to find raw red beets and prepare them in salad, grated with a little shallot, combined with carrots; Not only is it excellent (faith of a girl who does not like red baked beetroot) but it is also better for the body because the glycemic index is lower than that of baked beet.

Good Protein
So that your detox cure is not just a total deprivation program, you need proteins. You will go and get them in healthy foods, which do not ask your intestines for a great effort of digestion. So not cheeses (too fatty) and red meat.And yes to chicken and scallops (organic or Red label, otherwise you eat too much hormones), without fat sauce or cream obviously, and especially yes to white fish and seafood. Without mayo, unhappy! There, lemon becomes your best ally.

The fennel remains a dish, and it is really too unfair! Because this vegetable is low calorie, rich in fiber and very fragrant, and is eaten raw in salad decorated with pieces of fresh orange, or cooked with cumin or curry in the water of cooking. It is served with a fillet of olive oil or a tomato sauce (little fat), and it accompanies fish perfectly for example.

A good oil
First your oil, you take it organic, otherwise it will concentrate all the pesticides. And that's NOT ANYTHING detox!No, for your detox program, you choose an oil rich in omega 3 such as rape or walnut, perfect in salads. But you can also vary the pleasures with a good olive oil, which the body assimilates very well. Nutritionists are formal, do not banish all lipids, just better choose them and avoid excess saturated fat.

The Right Workout For Your Body And Goals

There are plenty of types of exercises, but not all of them are right for your type of body or your goals. With personal training, you can get one on one attention from someone who has the ability and experience to help you. They can help you with creating a plan of action to help you change your body and to help you reach your goals.
The Right Workout For Your Body And Goals

Level of Fitness
It doesn't matter what your current level of fitness happens to be. With personal training, the plan of action will start with what you can do and with any limitations you have taken into consideration. Even if your program starts out with just 15 minutes of exercise at a time, it is a start. As you make progress, they can work with you to increase the workout.
If you have health issues that limit movement, you may feel that you can't benefit from personal training. However, that isn't true at all. They can help you to take part in low impact workout sessions that won't aggravate the pain you experience. If you have limited mobility, they can still create something unique and personalised for you to help from.
There are plenty of excuses we can make when it comes to working out. With the help of personal training, you can continue to stay motivated. They can push you to do a few more minutes of exercise or a few more reps. They can push you to show up on time for your sessions and not to skip them.
They can also help you to celebrate your successes. It can be hard to focus on what you have accomplished when you are always looking at what you haven't gotten done yet. They can help you to see how far you have some and to celebrate your milestones along the path to your goal.
It is easy to get too comfortable with a particular workout routine. You are investing the time but not getting the value from it you should. With personal training, they can urge you to try something new. It could be to turn up the resistance or to lift heavier weights. They may urge you to try new types of exercises as your endurance improves.
They can show you the right way to complete various types of exercises. This will give you encouragement to try new things and to challenge your mind and your body. They aren't going to make it too each for you but they also aren't going to set you up for failure.
They will show you the right way to do the various exercises so you cut the risk of getting hurt. One of the most common causes of injuries has to do with a person tackling a type of exercise outside of their fitness level or not knowing the correct movements to complete it.
While you are only accountable to yourself when you workout on your own, that will change. Since you are paying for personal training, you want to get value from that investment. They can also help you to stay accountable. If you miss sessions, you aren't giving it your all, or other factors, they can get you back on track.
They aren't going to make excuses for you or accept anything less than 100% at every single session. They are going to push you to your limits and help you to get the most out of your efforts. It can be fun to have them by your side as you work out too. Then you won't feel isolated and alone in your efforts.